Swiss Reliability On Each Step Of The Supply Chain

Agriculture And Food

Providing fast and reliable results is Swissagrilab's credo. At the same time, quality on all fronts is of central importance. This means that we want to offer all our customers the highest quality and a wide range of analyses. Each Swissagrilab customer must always be provided with the best analytical results and shortest lead times. We achieve this in part by continuously expanding our package of analyses with innovative, high-quality solutions. In this way, we aim to be the first choice for our customers and an attractive employer for our workers. In the coming years, rapid and reliable results will be the guiding principle in everything we do.

Agriculture and food: how Agrilab can help you grow your business.

Agriculture and food are arguably the world’s most important industries. Consumers want assurance of safety and quality at every stage of the process. Our comprehensive range of services can help you:

  • Manage risk, do better business and meet your obligations: with stand-alone or integrated independent solutions for every aspect of your agricultural and food supply chains

  • Safeguard your consumers: from a primary production point to the point of processing or custody transfer

  • Comply with complex legislation: including local, regional, national and international rules and regulations for production and trade of agricultural commodities and food

  • Ensure correct storage, shipping, packing and distribution: of commodities, food ingredients and food products

  • Ensure quality and safety throughout the diverse supply chains: including raw and semi-manufactured foodstuffs and final products in all principal food segments

We offer stand-alone or integrated solutions to assist organizations that are involved in agrochemicals, seeds, bio fuels, fertilizers, processing facilities and logistical construction, preparation of fresh produce for market and prepared food products.

Our range of cost-effective solutions includes audits and certification, testing and analytical services, inspection, verification ,technical solutions. We can assist your company to continuously improve the culture of safety, quality and sustainable development.